52 Weeks
Illustration by George Kevin Jordan
Question What would your life look like if you spent a year intentionally focused on something? Not just leap frogging around trying to figure something out. But really zeroed in on a project, person, your job, whatever. What if you really had a plan of action and stuck with it. What if you held yourself accountable? What if you pushed yourself while also offering grace?
This is what I want to do with my art practice. Don’t get me wrong for a guy who didn’t know anything about art two years ago, I think I’ve done alright. I’ve done group shows, sold pieces, figured a lot out about what I wanted to make, and why. But I know I can do more.
Over the next year I am going to spend 52 weeks building a practice up with purpose, prayer, and intentionality. Why not start in January like a normal human, you ask? I thought about that. But I have so many resolutions that have died on the hill of broken promises. I want to disrupt the pattern. I want to start when I start.
I also pondering just putting this on my newsletter Oh, F@#k: I’m an Artist! But that space is more about thought leadership and broader ideas. Here I want to explore my process, how I get things done, and ways to improve as I go along.
I decided to write about this journey here. And when I have lots to say, I may write something bigger, or do a video. The point is I want to really grow, and I am inviting you to grow with me.
Each week I am going to focus on a small task, while creating larger goals and missions, and record the process, ups, down, and distractions. Nothing is off the table. Nothing is too big or too small. My hope is to become a better artist. But honestly if I walk away more attentive to my heart and inner voice I think I win. So stay tuned for 52 weeks each Tuesday. Let’s get to work.